Saturday, July 23, 2005

I was collecting boarding passes on a very full Los Angeles flight. A passenger had too many carry on bags and I told him that he would have to check one. He began to argue, using all the usual cliches "I fly all the time" "I always carry on three bags" "I'm a premier flyer" He eventually figured out that he wasn't going anywhere unless he gave up the bag. I was apologetic, trying to explain that the flight was full, and I was just enforcing the FAA policy.

He said he was going to write a letter to my supervisor. I chuckled to myself because I was sure that my supervisor would be happy to hear I was enforcing the carryon baggage limits on a full LAX flight on a Friday evening, since she had just written a briefing item saying we needed to have more enforcement. Angry that he couldn't intimidate me, he started down the jetway after I handed him the claim ticket.

Suddenly his briefcase sprung open, it's contents scattering all over. "How is that for Karma" the next passenger in line laughed as I took his boarding pass.


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